Read to children at night 6 7. Short educational tales for children, read at night

Butler Daniil 7 years old
Supervisor: Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
Description: An original fairy tale for little listeners aged 5 to 7 years.
Target: formation of a friendly attitude towards peers.
1. Develop skills of friendly relationships between children.
2. Develop communication skills with peers.
3. Develop creativity.

Fairy tale: The Magic Cabinet.

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Seryozha. He was 8 years old. He went to school in 1st grade.

Seryozha behaved badly at school. He bullied other children.
The guys told Seryozha that you can’t do this. But Seryozha didn’t listen to anyone.
The boy was lazy to study and teased the boys every day. He had no friends, because no one wanted to be friends with the fighter.
One day, after school, Seryozha spent a long time collecting his briefcase. All the students have already gone home. Serezha was left alone at school. He went out into the corridor.
There was no one in the corridor. Music teacher Vasily Petrovich came out to meet him.
The teacher asked the boy: What are you doing here, Seryozha?
- I'm going home! - the boy answered.
- Seryozha, it’s good that I met you! - said the teacher.

I know that you behave badly and hurt children.

“No, I don’t offend you,” Seryozha answered.
-Are you lying to me? – Vasily Petrovich said sternly.
- For this, Seryozha, I will send you to the magic office.
Vasily Petrovich walked up to the music room and opened the door.
Seryozha found himself in a magical classroom. He saw an incomprehensible creature in front of him. It was slightly shorter than the boy. He had big ears, like Cheburashka. He had 3 eyes. And instead of legs he had chicken feet. In his hands he held a beautiful glass ball. A glow emanated from this ball in all directions. A bright light hit Seryozha’s eyes, and the boy found himself in the past.
A little boy Seryozha stands next to his mother near the kindergarten. He is shaking with fear.
- Mom, I'm afraid. “I don’t want to go there,” says the kid.
- Serezha, don’t be afraid! Go to kindergarten.
- Nobody will hurt you there.
“The guys will be friends with you and play with you,” mom said affectionately.

Seryozha carefully entered the group and saw many small children. The guys surrounded him.
The teacher asks: Hello! Are you the new boy?
But Seryozha is silent.
The guys began to get to know him and tell him their names. Seryozha calmed down, smiled and said his name.
When the boy remembered his childhood, he returned to the magic office. Music teacher Vasily Petrovich was waiting for him there. Seryozha told the teacher about his journey into the past.

He also said that when he was little, no one offended or teased him in kindergarten.
The boy felt ashamed of his behavior.
Vasily Petrovich smiled and disappeared.
And Seryozha woke up at home in his bed. The boy thought he had an amazing dream.

- Seryozha, get ready for school! - Mom said.
The boy got ready and went to school.
From that day on, the boy Seryozha began to behave well. He became friends with all the guys. And I never offended anyone.

And during breaks, when Seryozha met music teacher Vasily Petrovich, he slyly winked at him with his left eye.
The fairy tale is over. We're sorry...
In conclusion, the moral:
Don't fight, don't tease.
You will smile at each other.
This is where the fairy tale ends!
And who listened - Well done!

One woman had a stepdaughter and her own daughter. This woman loved her daughter, but could not even look at her stepdaughter. And all because Marushka was much more beautiful than her Golena. Marushka, patient and submissive, had to do all the work: wash and cook, spin and weave, mow the grass and look after the cow. And all Golena did was dress up and sit on the heap. Only Golena became uglier every day, and Marushka more beautiful. So the stepmother and Golena decided to drive Marushka out of the world. No sooner said than done.

One day in mid-January, Shin wanted snowdrops.

- Go, Marushka, into the forest and pick me some snowdrops. I'll pin them to my belt.

- Oh, little sister, how could such a thing come into your head? Where have you seen flowers growing under the snow? - Marushka cried.

- Do you want to argue with me? Please obey! Bring snowdrops, otherwise it will get worse! - Golena threatened, and the stepmother put Marushka out the door and locked all the locks.

Marushka cried even more bitterly and went into the forest. And there the snow is waist-deep, dark, scary, cold. Marushka wandered through the forest for a long time, got stuck in snowdrifts, and was completely frozen. Only suddenly I saw in the distance between the trees, as if a light was glowing. She turned towards the light and came to a high mountain. On that mountain a large fire is burning, there are twelve stones around the fire, and twelve people are sitting on those stones. Three are old men in silver fur coats, white-haired and white-bearded, three are younger - in golden cloaks, three more are even younger - in colorful, multi-colored clothes, and the last three - the youngest and most beautiful - in green. They sit silently and look at the fire. And it was twelve months. Big January, with a staff in his hand, sat above everyone else.

Marushka was scared at first, but then she became bolder:

- Why did you come to the forest in such frost?

“For snowdrops,” answered Marushka.

- Who goes for snowdrops in winter?! Flowers do not grow in winter.

- I know. “My sister and stepmother ordered me to bring them snowdrops from the forest, otherwise they threatened to beat me,” said Marushka. - Do you know, good people, where I can find flowers?

Then Big January stood up from his stone and approached the very young month:

- Brother Mart, sit in my place!

March sat down in January's place, took the staff, waved it over the fire - and the fire rose higher, the snow began to quickly melt, the buds on the branches swelled, the rare grass turned green, and the buds of daisies turned pink in the grass. Spring has come. Snowdrops bloomed under the bushes, and before Marushka had time to recover from surprise, the entire clearing in front of her seemed to be covered with a flower carpet.

- Collect quickly, Marushka! - the month of March hurried her.

Marushka began to collect flowers and picked a large bouquet. Then she thanked the month brothers and ran home.

Golena was surprised, and so was her stepmother when they saw that Marushka had not returned home empty-handed.

-Where did you find the narwhal? - they ask.

- In the forest on the mountain. There's a whole clearing of snowdrops there.

Golena took the flowers, pinned them to her belt, smelled them herself, gave them to her stepmother to smell, but didn’t offer them to her sister.

The next day, Shin wanted berries:

- Go, Marushka, into the forest and bring me some berries.

- Oh, little sister, how could such a thing come into your head? Where have you seen berries grow under the snow? - Marushka cried.

- Do you want to argue with me? Bring some berries, otherwise it will get worse! - Golena shouted at her, and her stepmother pushed Marushka out the door and locked all the locks.

There is nothing to do. Marushka cried even more bitterly and went into the forest. And there the snow is deep, dark, cold. Marushka wandered through the forest for a long time, when suddenly she saw a light in the distance, the one she saw yesterday. She was happy and went to this light. She came to a huge fire, and twelve months again sat around that fire. And Big January is above all.

- Hello, good people! Let me warm myself by your fire, I’m very cold.

Big January nodded his head and asked:

- Why did you come to the forest again?

- For berries.

“It’s winter now, and berries don’t grow in winter,” said January.

“I know,” Marushka answered sadly, “but Golen’s sister and stepmother ordered them to bring berries from the forest, otherwise they threatened to beat them.” Help me, good people, find the berries!

Big January stood up, walked up to the month that was sitting opposite, gave him the staff in his hands and said:

- Brother June, sit in my place.

June sat down on the highest stone and waved his staff over the fire. The fire rose higher, the snow melted, the earth turned green, the trees were covered with leaves, the birds began to sing, the flowers bloomed. Summer has come. It was as if someone had scattered white stars in the grove. The white stars began to turn into berries, and before Marushka had time to recover from her amazement, the berries were ripe.

- Collect quickly, Marushka! - said June.

Marushka was delighted, quickly got to work and soon had a full apron ready. Then she thanked the month brothers and ran home.

Golena was surprised, and so was her stepmother when they saw that Marushka had brought an apron full of berries.

- Where did you collect it? — attacked Golen’s sister.

- In the forest on the mountain. There's a whole clearing of them there.

Golena took the berries, ate her fill, the stepmother ate too, but Marushka was not offered even a berry.

The next day Shin wanted apples:

- Go, Marushka, into the forest - for apples.

- Oh, sister, where will apples come from in the forest in winter? - the unfortunate Marushka begged.

- Do you want to argue with me? If you don't bring home red apples, blame yourself! - Golena threatened. And the stepmother pushed Marushka out the door and locked all the locks.

There is nothing to do. Marushka wandered into the forest.

The snow is deep in the forest, there are no paths anywhere. Only Marushka was no longer confused. She immediately ran to the mountain, where a hot fire was burning, and twelve months were sitting around. And Big January is above all.

- Hello, good people! Let me warm myself by your fire, I’m very cold.

Big January nodded and asked:

- Why did you come to the forest again?

“For red apples,” answered Marushka.

“But it’s winter now, and apples don’t grow in winter.”

“I know,” Marushka answered sadly, “but Golena’s sister and stepmother ordered them to bring apples from the forest, otherwise they threatened to beat them.” Tell me, good people, where can I get them?

Big January stood up, went up to one of the brothers who were sitting in golden cloaks, gave him a staff and said:

- Brother September, sit in my place!

The month of September sat down on the highest stone and waved his staff over the fire. The fire flared up with a red flame, the snow melted, the leaves on the trees first turned green, then turned yellow. The wild carnations grew red along the slopes. Then Marushka saw an apple tree, and on it were ripe apples.

Marushka shook the apple tree and one apple fell. She shook it again and another apple fell.

- Hurry up! - the month September shouted to her.

Marushka picked up two fallen apples, thanked the moon brothers and ran home.

Golena was surprised, and so was her stepmother when they saw that Marushka had brought apples.

-Where did you find the narwhal?

- In the forest on the mountain. The entire apple tree there is strewn with them.

- Why didn’t you bring more? She probably ate everything herself along the way?

“Oh, sister, I haven’t even tried a bite.” She shook the apple tree - one apple fell, shook it again - the second one fell. And they didn’t let me pick any more.

Golena and her stepmother ate both apples. And they seemed so tasty and sweet to them, well, they had never tasted anything like that in their lives.

This is what Golena says:

- Give me a fur coat and a scarf, mother, I’ll go to the forest myself to get apples.

As she said, she did so.

And in the forest the snow is deep, and there is no path anywhere. Golena was confused for a long time until she saw a light in the distance. It was a bonfire of twelve months. Golena was scared at first, but then she grew bolder, went up to the fire without asking, and began to warm her hands.

Big January frowned and asked:

-What do you want in the forest?

- What do you care, old man? - Golena snapped.

January frowned more than ever, waved his staff over the fire, and the fire began to burn very low. The sky darkened, thick snow fell, as if someone had torn a feather bed above, a north wind blew in and rustled in the branches. A blizzard swirled around Golen, and she lost her way home forever.

The stepmother waited for her daughter, waited, but never came. “Apparently, she liked the apples, so she can’t tear herself away,” she thought, put on her fur coat, took the basket and went into the forest. She walked and walked, searched and searched, until she froze.

Marushka was left at home alone. I cleaned up, cooked dinner, fed the cow, but Golena and her stepmother still did not return. “As if something bad wouldn’t happen to them!” - she became worried. Only she didn’t have to see either Golena or her stepmother again. Marushka was left alone in the small house. And soon a groom was found for her. And they lived together happily ever after.

Italian fairy tale "The Sloth"

A hard-working peasant, Bastiano, lived in a village. And his wife, on the contrary, was lazy, lazy.

One morning Bastiano got ready to go to the forest to buy firewood and said to his wife:

“I know, Lina, that you don’t enjoy your work, but, please, make sure that the chickens don’t eat our grain.”

“Lean on me, hubby.” I won’t let even a single chicken come close to the field.

She actually sat down on the edge of the field under a fig tree and decided to keep an eye on the chickens. But they calmly pecked at the crumbs of bread far from the wheat field. And the sun had already risen to its zenith and was burning mercilessly. Lina thought that nothing bad would happen if she took a nap for a minute. She closed her eyes and immediately fell fast asleep.

A cicada sitting on a fig tree began to sing and cluck:

Lina has been sleeping for a long time.

And the chickens in the field peck the grain.

Lena the couch potato will have a hard time,

When Bastiano returns from work.

But Lina had already seen her tenth dream. She had no idea that chickens actually trampled and pecked wheat. And when she finally woke up, the chickens had eaten so much that they couldn’t move their paws.

- Oh, trouble! The harvest is gone! - Lina wailed. But, however, just as she despaired, she quickly consoled herself: “But our chickens will be fat and big, like geese.”

She drove the chickens into the chicken coop, and again sat down in the shade to take a nap.

And the cicada began to sing and crackle again:

The chickens will sit on their roost,

The fox will come and eat them all.

Bastiano will return home,

Lina will get it later or sooner.

But after Lina had driven the chickens into the coop, she was so tired from this hard work that she was fast asleep again and did not hear anything. But as soon as I woke up, I quickly ran to the chicken coop to look at the chickens. And there the fox was already gnawing the last wing of the last chicken.

- Oh, you red-haired cheat! - Lina cried and quickly slammed the window through which the fox crawled into the chicken coop.

“It’s not so bad,” she thought. — The fox, of course, ate all the chickens. But now she's trapped. Let's sell her fur skin and buy a whole brood of little chickens. And a couple of geese to boot. It’s good that everything turned out this way.”

So she calmed herself down and returned to the shade of her favorite fig tree. There she fell into a sweet dream.

And the restless cicada sings and creaks:

Fox is locked up

But the dog is about to tear her apart.

Oh, it’s going to be tough for Lina,

But Lina just dreamed that she was carrying chickens from the market. She smiled in her sleep and heard nothing.

Then she was awakened by a terrible noise and fuss in the chicken coop. She looked through the window and saw a big gray dog ​​chasing a fox. As soon as he smelled the fox, he ran to the chicken coop, dug a hole under the wall and crawled inside.

- Calm down, stupid dog! - Lina shouted. She burst into the chicken coop and grabbed the dog by the withers. And the fox, without wasting any time, slipped out, and that was all they saw. But Lina had no time for her now. “Very good,” she thought. “The husband will go hunting with this dog and shoot dozens of foxes.”

Lina tied the dog to the fence and, pleased with herself, hurried to her place under the fig tree.

But the cicada doesn’t stop:

You sleep, and the boys are right there.

They will untie the dog and take him away.

Oh, it's going to be tough for you,

When Bastiano returns home.

She sang and poured out, but all in vain. Lina was fast asleep and didn’t hear anything.

And then Bastiano returned from the forest. Lina perked up and joyfully ran out to meet him.

“Is everything all right with us,” asks Bastiano, “is the wheat in the field safe?”

- Oh, hubby, as soon as I turned away for a second, those damned chickens ate all the grain! But they became as big and fat as your geese.

“This problem is not a problem,” said Bastiano. - Let's sell chickens and buy grain.

- No matter how it is, dear hubby. The fox ate the chickens. But I'm not a failure! She locked the chicken coop and caught the fox.

“So much the better,” nodded Bastiano. - Let's sell the fox skin. It's in price these days.

- Yes, the red skin was good! Only the fox, such a cheat, ran away. A huge dog got into the chicken coop and tore at it so much that it ruined the whole skin. But I caught this dog. You will go hunting with him into the forest, there are foxes there, apparently and invisible.

- Well, let's go and look at this dog.

They came to the fence, but there was no dog. While Lina was sleeping, the boys ran past, saw the dog, untied it and took it away.

And their trace has long since disappeared.

What do you think Bastiano did? Do you think he's angry? Right. How!

Japanese fairy tale “The most beautiful dress in the world”

In the old days, long ago, the raven had white-white feathers. He wanted to dress up.

So the raven flew to the owl.

In those days, the owl was a dyer. She painted dresses for all the birds in whatever color they wanted: red, blue, turquoise, yellow... There was no end to customers.

- Madam Owl! Lady Owl! Paint my outfit in the most beautiful color. I want to amaze the whole world with my beauty.

- Uh-huh, uh-huh, I can! - the owl agreed. - Do you want a blue dress like a heron? Do you want a patterned outfit like a falcon? Do you want a motley one, like a woodpecker?

- No, choose a completely unprecedented color for me, so that no other bird has such an outfit!

The raven shook off his white plumage and flew away.

The owl thought and thought about what color was the most unprecedented, and painted the raven’s feathers black—black, blacker than ink.

A raven flew in and asked:

- Did I get a good row?

He put on his new dress and looked in the mirror. I looked and gasped! From his head to his very tail he became black and black, and you couldn’t even tell where his eyes were or where his nose was.

- What color did you dye my feathers, r-robber?! - the raven screamed.

The owl began to make excuses:

“You yourself wanted me to paint your outfit an unprecedented color.”

“Wait, I’ll catch you and r-tear you to shreds!” Now we are enemies forever! - The raven croaked angrily.

From then on, as soon as he sees an owl, he rushes at it.

That is why the owl hides in a hollow during the day. She does not appear in the light while the raven is flying.

Japanese fairy tale "Fire Tarot"

In the old days, in ancient times, there lived a girl named O-Kiku. One day she was walking in the field behind her house and suddenly saw a large hole in the ground turning black. And where did she come from?!

O-Kiku leaned over the hole and looked into the depths. It's dark there and you can't see anything. The girl was overcome with curiosity. She went down into the pit and found herself in the underworld. O-Kiku walks along a long, long road, and along the road grow beautiful flowers, never seen on earth. How far or how little has she walked, and suddenly she sees a black gate standing.

O-Kiku knocked on the gate: don-don-don! A young man came out to meet her, handsome in appearance, but pale to the point of blue, with not a trace of blood in his face. He invited her to come into the house.

“My name,” he says, “is Fire Tarot, and this is the kingdom of fire.” My father was the ruler of this kingdom, but he died, and since then the devils have haunted me. I endure cruel torments, and I don’t know who will free me from them.

The girl took pity on the Fire Tarot and stayed with him. The next morning the young man got ready to leave and punished her:

“Don’t even try to peek where I’m going.” Wait for me here in this room. Nowhere from-, don’t come out here.

He pushed the door aside, closed it behind him again, and went deeper into the house.

And in the farthest chambers someone is making noise, making noise, and rattling iron. O-Kiku couldn’t stand it and looked out quietly. And what did she see? The terrible devils stripped the young man naked, stretched him out on an iron grate and hung him over a huge fireplace. A young man writhes in the flames. When there was almost no life left in him, the elder devil ordered:

- That's enough for today.

The devils took the young man out of the fire.

The girl almost lost her mind from horror. She slowly closed the door and returned back to the room.

The next morning the young man said to her:

“Today I will again spend the whole day in the distant chambers of the house.” You seem to be sad alone... Take a walk in the garden, there is something to admire there. Here are thirteen keys to thirteen storerooms. You can unlock twelve storerooms, but do not enter the thirteenth. My late father also forbade it to be opened. I've never been there myself. Do you hear? Don't even think about opening the thirteenth door! - With these words, the Fire Tarot handed the girl a bunch of black keys, and he again went into the inner chambers.

With sadness in her heart, O-Kiku went out into the yard. There are thirteen stone storerooms standing side by side in the courtyard. The girl wanted to see what was hidden in them. She unlocked the first storeroom with the key. And when I saw what was in it, I forgot everything in the world.

The New Year was celebrated in the first storeroom. Many little people in ceremonial capes with coats of arms decorated New Year's pines, and tiny girls in festive outfits tossed balls with feathers. It was fun and noisy there.

It was February in the second storeroom. Plum trees were blooming, fragrant. Tiny boys flew kites in the wind.

What was in the third pantry? The Peach Blossom Festival was celebrated there. Girls as tall as a finger, smart and cheerful, admired the beautifully dressed dolls the size of peas.

The April sun was shining in the fourth storeroom. Gray-bearded dwarfs, leading their grandchildren by the hand, ceremoniously walked to the temple on the occasion of the birth of Buddha.

And in the fifth storeroom? O-Kik couldn't wait to look into the fifth storeroom. It was warm May there. In the blue sky, colorful carps swam like alive, and tiny boys, singing merrily, covered the roofs of houses with blooming irises. In the state rooms there were warrior dolls the size of a fingernail.

In the sixth storeroom the sun shone hotter. On the banks of a transparent river, caring dwarf housewives were diligently washing clothes. And across the river one could see rice fields. Peasants and peasant women, so small that you could fit each one in the palm of your hand, sang songs as they planted rows of green rice sprouts.

O-Kiku unlocked the door to the seventh storeroom and saw a clear starry sky. It was the evening of the “Meeting of Two Stars.” The dwarf children tied thin strips of multi-colored paper with the inscription “Heavenly River” and many other decorations to bamboo leaves.

Having looked enough, O-Kiku unlocked the door to the eighth pantry. It was the night of the autumn full moon1. Tiny children admired the bright moon, and in front of them on the tables lay colorful piles of apples and pears no larger than wild strawberries. The moon, like a large round tray, gazed intently from the sky at the rice balls.

O-Kiku looked into the ninth storeroom. Everything was red and gold. The dwarfs, leaning on their staves, leisurely walked through the mountains. Either they climbed a steep slope, or descended into a deep valley, admiring the autumn maples.

It was the turn of the tenth pantry. It was October there. The dwarfs, having climbed the trees, shook the branches with all their might, and ripe chestnuts rained down to the ground. It was fun to watch the children collect them in baskets.

O-Kiku opened the eleventh pantry. A cold wind blew towards her. The whole ground was covered with a fine scattering of the first frost. Dried persimmons and radishes hung under each fence. Tiny peasants threshed rice, rejoicing at the rich harvest.

In the twelfth pantry there was a kingdom of snow. Everywhere you look there are deep snowdrifts. Children are having fun, playing in the snow, making snowmen...

Here is another storage room. But the Fire Tarot strictly forbade opening the thirteenth door. O-Kiku holds the black key in his hand... And he is not ordered to enter, but he wants to. The girl thinks: should she open it or not, but step by step, step by step, she gets closer to the door, as if something is pulling her...

The girl put the key in the keyhole and tried to turn it, but the lock was rusty and wouldn’t budge. With difficulty she unlocked the door and entered the pantry. This storeroom was not like all the others. There were no dwarfs or festive spectacles in it. O-Kiku found herself in a richly decorated chamber. She looked around and saw: on a shelf in the front niche there was a box covered with black varnish. O-Kiku wanted to see what was hidden in it. The girl opened the lid and looked in. There are two red balls in the box. It’s like they’re made of glass, but only soft. What could it be? O-Kiku put the box in her bosom and ran out of the pantry.

The sun has already risen high. The girl wanted to drink. She sees a stream running in the garden. O-Kiku leaned over the stream and scooped up a handful of water. In the clear water, as in a mirror, coastal trees were visible, and on one of them something colorful was moving. The girl raised her head: a huge snake wrapped itself around a pine branch and looked at her, eyes sparkling!

Not remembering herself from fear, O-Kiku jumped over the stream and began to run. And at that very moment, a box in her bosom opened slightly, one ball rolled out and fell into the stream. But the girl was frightened and did not notice anything.

She ran into the house, and the Fire Tarot was coming towards her. She tells him what miracles she saw in twelve storerooms, but not a word about the thirteenth. The young man listens to her and smiles.

Suddenly there was a sound of stomping and noise. A gang of devils poured out from the depths of the house. O-Kiku shook with fear, and the devils bowed low to her and said:

- Good evening! Thanks to you, we found one of the eyes of our main military leader. The snake told us everything... Our commander ordered that you both appear before him.

The devils took the young man and the girl to their leader. And he has only one single eye sparkling in his forehead with red fire, instead of the other there is an empty socket.

- Thank you very much! - the main devil bowed his horns in front of them. “It’s been several decades since your late father, a young man, became angry with me for one bad deed and deprived me of both eyes.” Since then I have walked blind for many years. In retaliation for this, I tortured you mercilessly. But today I have great joy: one eye has been found. Give me the second one too. I won't bother you anymore. If I have both eyes, I don’t need any treasures. I’ll give you everything, just give me back my second eye!

He listens to the Fire Tarot and understands nothing. He asked the girl:

“You didn’t hide anything from me?”

“Yes, to tell the truth, I violated your ban and opened the thirteenth pantry.” And in it stood a box with two red balls... I didn’t know that these were the eyes of the devil. I put the box in my bosom, but I saw a snake near the stream and, I don’t know how, dropped one ball into the water.

The commander of the devils rejoiced:

- Here, here, this very eye. Give me another one, I beg you!

The girl took the box out of her bosom and gave the devil the second red ball, and the devil immediately inserted it into his empty eye socket. Both his eyes sparkled like two lights.

To celebrate, he presented O-Kika and the Fire Tarot with countless treasures.

A young man and a girl got married. They lived a happy life: after all, every day they could admire all the seasons.

In this section we have collected short folk and original fairy tales from all over the world. These small instructive and kind stories will help children calm down after a stormy day and get ready for sleep.
In bedtime stories you will not find cruelty or frightening characters. Only light plots and pleasant characters.
At the bottom of every fairy tale there is clue, what age it is intended for, as well as other tags. Be sure to pay attention to them when choosing a piece! You don't have to waste time reading a fairy tale to find out whether it is suitable for your child or not. We have already read and sorted everything.
Enjoy reading and good dreams :)

short bedtime stories to read

Navigation by works

Navigation by works

    In the sweet carrot forest

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about what forest animals love most. And one day everything happened as they dreamed. In the sweet carrot forest read The hare loved carrots most of all. He said: - I would like it in the forest...

    Magic herb St. John's wort

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about how the Hedgehog and the Little Bear looked at the flowers in the meadow. Then they saw a flower they didn’t know, and they became acquainted. It was St. John's wort. Magic herb St. John's wort read It was a sunny summer day. - Do you want me to give you something...

    Green bird

    Kozlov S.G.

    A tale about a Crocodile who really wanted to fly. And then one day he dreamed that he turned into a large Green bird with wide wings. He flew over the land and over the sea and talked with different animals. Green...

    How to catch a cloud

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about how the Hedgehog and the Little Bear went fishing in the fall, but instead of fish they were bitten by the moon, then stars. And in the morning they pulled the sun out of the river. How to catch a cloud to read When the time has come...

    Caucasian prisoner

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about two officers who served in the Caucasus and were captured by the Tatars. The Tatars ordered letters to be written to relatives demanding a ransom. Zhilin was from a poor family; there was no one to pay the ransom for him. But he was strong...

    How much land does a person need?

    Tolstoy L.N.

    The story is about the peasant Pakhom, who dreamed that he would have a lot of land, then the devil himself would not be afraid of him. He had the opportunity to inexpensively buy as much land as he could walk around before sunset. Wanting to have more...

    Jacob's dog

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about a brother and sister who lived near a forest. They had a shaggy dog. One day they went into the forest without permission and were attacked by a wolf. But the dog grappled with the wolf and saved the children. Dog …

    Tolstoy L.N.

    The story is about an elephant who stepped on his owner because he was mistreating him. The wife was in grief. The elephant put his eldest son on his back and began to work hard for him. Elephant read...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends on the earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable ones for children aged 5,6,7 years. Poems about...

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The children rejoice at the white flakes of snow and take out their skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice slide, sculpting...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, and a Christmas tree for the younger group of kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's Eve. Here …

Fairy tales that teach good...

These good bedtime stories with a happy and instructive ending will delight your child before bed, calm him down, and teach kindness and friendship.

Good fairy tales for children from the series: That's it! It is recommended to read fairy tales with deep meaning to children from 1 to 101 years old, modern, interesting and understandable to children.

If you want to raise a kind and sympathetic child, and help him act correctly in difficult life situations, then be sure to read educational bedtime stories to your child.

A series of good instructive tales about a boy - Fedya Egorov.

1. Fedya Egorov’s meeting with Puss in Boots or Fedya’s new transformation into a mouse

Brothers Fedya and Vasya Egorov have long wanted to have real slingshots. Sometimes Fedya made slingshots for himself and his brother from aluminum wire. The boys used these slingshots to shoot paper bullets at targets, but they wanted to have large slingshots made from real wooden slingshots.

The brothers' passion for slingshots appeared and then disappeared. But this time it was definitely the last, because the events associated with slingshot shooting were extraordinary, they were not just events, but real adventures. And this time the guys had a slingshot not made of wire, but a real one made of a poplar branch with a leather sight on a wide medical rubber band. This slingshot could shoot real stones. Dad made this slingshot for his sons.

Having made his sons promise that they would only shoot from a slingshot at an inanimate target marked on the wall of the barn, the father and his sons went into the nearby forest. They took with them everything they needed to make slingshots: a knife, two leather tongues from Vasya’s old boots and a medical rubber tourniquet. By lunchtime, all three returned with a bouquet of flowers for mom, a glass of fragrant strawberries for tea, and two fresh slingshots.

Fedya and Vasya were in joyful excitement. They vied with each other in praising their slingshots, telling their mother how far they managed to shoot with them in the forest, and even making guesses as to who would hit the target on the wall of the barn how many times. ...

2. The tale of how Fedya saved the forest from an evil sorcerer

In the summer, the boy Fedya Egorov came to rest in the village with his grandparents. This village stood right next to the forest. Fedya decided to go into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms, but his grandparents did not let him in. They said that the real Baba Yaga lives in their forest, and for more than two hundred years no one has gone to this forest.

Fedya did not believe that Baba Yaga lived in the forest, but he obeyed his grandparents and did not go into the forest, but went to the river to fish. Vaska the cat followed Fedya. The fish were biting well. There were already three ruffs floating in Fedya’s jar when the cat knocked it over and ate the fish. Fedya saw this, got upset and decided to postpone fishing until tomorrow. Fedya returned home. Grandparents were not at home. Fedya put away the fishing rod, put on a long-sleeved shirt and, taking a basket, went to the neighbor’s children to invite them into the forest.

Fedya believed that his grandparents had written about Baba Yaga, that they simply did not want him to go into the forest, because it is always very easy to get lost in the forest. But Fedya was not afraid of getting lost in the forest, since he wanted to go into the forest with friends who had lived here for a long time, and therefore knew the forest well.

To Fedya’s great surprise, all the guys refused to go with him and they began to dissuade him. ...

3. Obeshchaikin

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Egorov. Fedya did not always keep his promises. Sometimes, having promised his parents to put away his toys, he got carried away, forgot and left them scattered.

One day Fedya’s parents left him alone at home and asked him not to lean out of the window. Fedya promised them that he would not lean out of the window, but would draw. He took out everything he needed for drawing, sat down in a large room at the table and began to draw.

But as soon as mom and dad left the house, Fedya was immediately drawn to the window. Fedya thought: “So what, I promised not to peek, I’ll quickly peek out and see what the guys are doing in the yard, and mom and dad won’t even know that I was peeking.”

Fedya placed a chair near the window, climbed onto the window sill, lowered the handle on the frame, and before he even had time to pull the window sash, it swung open. By some miracle, just like in a fairy tale, a flying carpet appeared in front of the window, and on it sat a grandfather unfamiliar to Fedya. Grandfather smiled and said:

- Hello, Fedya! Do you want me to give you a ride on my carpet? ...

4. A tale about food

The boy Fedya Egorov became stubborn at the table:

- I don’t want to eat soup and I won’t eat porridge. I don't like bread!

The soup, porridge and bread took offense at him, disappeared from the table and ended up in the forest. And at this time an angry hungry wolf was prowling through the forest and said:

– I love soup, porridge and bread! Oh, how I wish I could eat them!

The food heard this and flew straight into the wolf's mouth. The wolf has eaten his fill, sits contentedly, licking his lips. And Fedya left the table without eating. For dinner, mom served potato pancakes with jelly, and Fedya became stubborn again:

- Mom, I don’t want pancakes, I want pancakes with sour cream!

5. The Tale of the Nervous Pika or the Magic Book of Yegor Kuzmich

There lived two brothers - Fedya and Vasya Egorov. They constantly started fights, quarrels, divided something among themselves, quarreled, argued over trifles, and at the same time the youngest of the brothers, Vasya, always squeaked. Sometimes the eldest of the brothers, Fedya, also squealed. The squeaking of the children greatly irritated and upset the parents, and especially the mother. And people often get sick from grief.

So the mother of these boys got sick, so much so that she stopped getting up even for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The doctor who came to treat my mother prescribed her medication and said that my mother needed peace and quiet. Dad, leaving for work, asked the children not to make noise. He gave them the book and said:

– The book is interesting, read it. I think you'll like it.

6. The Tale of Fedya’s Toys

Once upon a time there was a boy Fedya Egorov. Like all kids, he had a lot of toys. Fedya loved his toys, played with them with pleasure, but there was one problem - he did not like to clean them up after himself. He will play and leave where he played. The toys lay in disarray on the floor and were getting in the way, everyone was tripping over them, even Fedya himself threw them away.

And then one day the toys got tired of it.

“We need to run away from Fedya before they completely break us.” We must go to the good guys who take care of their toys and put them away,” said the plastic soldier.

7. An instructive tale for boys and girls: The Devil's Tail

Once upon a time there lived the Devil. That Devil had a magic tail. With the help of his tail, the Devil could find himself anywhere, but, most importantly, the Devil’s tail could fulfill whatever he wanted, for this he only had to think of a wish and wave his tail. This devil was very evil and very harmful.

He used the magical power of his tail for harmful deeds. He caused accidents on the roads, drowned people in rivers, broke ice under fishermen, started fires and committed many other atrocities. One day the Devil got tired of living alone in his underground kingdom.

He built himself a kingdom on earth, surrounded it with dense forest and swamps so that no one could approach him, and began to think about who else to populate his kingdom with. The Devil thought and thought and came up with the idea of ​​populating his kingdom with assistants who would commit harmful atrocities on his orders.

The Devil decided to take naughty children as his assistants. ...

Also on topic:

Poem: “Fedya is a nice boy”

Cheerful boy Fedya
Rides a bicycle
Fedya is driving along the path,
Stepping back a little to the left.
At this time on the track
Murka the cat jumped out.
Fedya suddenly slowed down,
I missed Murka the Cat.
Fedya moves on briskly,
A friend shouts to him: “Wait a minute!”
Let me ride a little bit.
This is a friend, not anyone,
Fedya said: “Take it, my friend.”
Ride one circle.
He sat down on the bench himself,
He sees a faucet and a watering can nearby,
And there are flowers waiting in the flowerbed -
Who would give me a sip of water?
Fedya, jumping off the bench,
All the flowers were watered from a watering can
And he poured water for the geese,
So they can get drunk.
- Our Fedya is so good,
- Prosha the cat suddenly noticed,
- Yes, he is good enough to be our friend,
- said the goose, drinking some water.
- Woof-woof-woof! - said Polkan,
– Fedya is a nice boy!

“Fedya is a hooligan boy”

Cheerful boy Fedya
Rides a bicycle
Directly off the road
Fedya, the mischievous one, is coming.
Driving straight across the lawn
So I ran into peonies,
I broke three stems,
And scared away three moths,
He crushed more daisies,
I caught my shirt on a bush,
Immediately he crashed into a bench,
He kicked and knocked over the watering can,
I soaked my sandals in a puddle,
I used mud on the pedals.
“Ha-ha-ha,” said the gander,
Well, what a weirdo he is,
You have to drive on the path!
“Yes,” said the kitten Proshka,
– there’s no road at all!
The cat said: “He does a lot of harm!”
“Woof-woof-woof,” said Polkan,
- This boy is a bully!

This section contains fairy tales for “why girls” 4-5-6 years old. All fairy tales correspond to the child’s age-related interests, develop the ability to fantasize and imagine, broaden their horizons, teach them to make friends and dream.

We tried to select fairy tales for children aged 4-6 years with beautiful artistic translations and high-quality illustrations.

Fairy tales will help instill and strengthen a child’s love of reading and books. Therefore, read as much as possible. Read whenever possible and anywhere. This is why our site was created :)

P.S. Each tale is marked tags, which will help you better navigate the sea of ​​works and choose exactly what you want to read most at the moment!

fairy tales for children 4-5-6 years old to read

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Navigation by works

    In the sweet carrot forest

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about what forest animals love most. And one day everything happened as they dreamed. In the sweet carrot forest read The hare loved carrots most of all. He said: - I would like it in the forest...

    Magic herb St. John's wort

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about how the Hedgehog and the Little Bear looked at the flowers in the meadow. Then they saw a flower they didn’t know, and they became acquainted. It was St. John's wort. Magic herb St. John's wort read It was a sunny summer day. - Do you want me to give you something...

    Green bird

    Kozlov S.G.

    A tale about a Crocodile who really wanted to fly. And then one day he dreamed that he turned into a large Green bird with wide wings. He flew over the land and over the sea and talked with different animals. Green...

    How to catch a cloud

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about how the Hedgehog and the Little Bear went fishing in the fall, but instead of fish they were bitten by the moon, then stars. And in the morning they pulled the sun out of the river. How to catch a cloud to read When the time has come...

    Caucasian prisoner

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about two officers who served in the Caucasus and were captured by the Tatars. The Tatars ordered letters to be written to relatives demanding a ransom. Zhilin was from a poor family; there was no one to pay the ransom for him. But he was strong...

    How much land does a person need?

    Tolstoy L.N.

    The story is about the peasant Pakhom, who dreamed that he would have a lot of land, then the devil himself would not be afraid of him. He had the opportunity to inexpensively buy as much land as he could walk around before sunset. Wanting to have more...

    Jacob's dog

    Tolstoy L.N.

    A story about a brother and sister who lived near a forest. They had a shaggy dog. One day they went into the forest without permission and were attacked by a wolf. But the dog grappled with the wolf and saved the children. Dog …

    Tolstoy L.N.

    The story is about an elephant who stepped on his owner because he was mistreating him. The wife was in grief. The elephant put his eldest son on his back and began to work hard for him. Elephant read...

    What is everyone's favorite holiday? Of course, New Year! On this magical night, a miracle descends on the earth, everything sparkles with lights, laughter is heard, and Santa Claus brings long-awaited gifts. A huge number of poems are dedicated to the New Year. IN …

    In this section of the site you will find a selection of poems about the main wizard and friend of all children - Santa Claus. Many poems have been written about the kind grandfather, but we have selected the most suitable ones for children aged 5,6,7 years. Poems about...

    Winter has come, and with it fluffy snow, blizzards, patterns on the windows, frosty air. The children rejoice at the white flakes of snow and take out their skates and sleds from the far corners. Work is in full swing in the yard: they are building a snow fortress, an ice slide, sculpting...

    A selection of short and memorable poems about winter and New Year, Santa Claus, snowflakes, and a Christmas tree for the younger group of kindergarten. Read and learn short poems with children 3-4 years old for matinees and New Year's Eve. Here …