What is a mathematical fairy tale? Fairy tales for children

Elena Ovsova
Fairy tales for children. Mathematical fairy tale “Numbers and Numbers”

Fairy tale.

Subject: « Numbers and numbers»

Target: education number and number three.

Tasks: 1. explain the concepts « number» And « number»

2. teach to determine the place numbers three in natural numbers

3. teach to receive number three by addition and subtraction

4. teach writing number three

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and he had a daughter - the beautiful princess Anastasia. There were no other princesses in any kingdom-state who could compare with Anastasia. She was very beautiful and intelligent, and rumors of her beauty spread throughout all kingdoms and realms. But one day an evil witch, angry that everyone admired the princess, decided to bewitch her. One night, when the princess was sleeping, she approached her and cast a spell. And since then, Anastasia has not woken up. Days, weeks, months passed, and the princess still did not wake up and no one could break her spell. And then one day an old woman came to the palace and told the king: “I know how to break the curse of the evil witch, this can only be done by those who can find magic in the kingdom of Numbers number. Only it can lift the spell and bring the princess back to life.” The king was delighted and promised the one who finds the magical number to give him his daughter and half his kingdom in addition. And princes from different kingdoms began to look for magic number, but no one could find him. And only one prince from a distant kingdom-state did not lose hope of finding it number and save the beautiful Anastasia, and so he went to the kingdom of Numbers.

He walked day, he walked night, through forests and fields, through mountains and rivers, but he did not see the magical numbers. The prince was sad that he could not find number, sat down by the river and began to think where he should look for this magical number when suddenly a wise owl sat on his shoulder and speaks: “Don’t be sad, prince, I will help you! I know where to look for magic number! Walk along this road and you will come out to the magical river of Addition and it will tell you what it is number! The prince thanked the wise owl and went to the Addition River. He came, stood on the shore and speaks: “Rechenka, help me find the magical number, which can disenchant the princess, I can’t cope without you!”

I will help you - the river answers - I know what it is number so that you recognize it and I will give it to you hint: you'll get it number, if you add one to two!”

But if I make a mistake and guess yours incorrectly hint I can't save the princess! ~h

Yes, you can't go wrong! Remember mine hint and go to the Subtraction field, it will give you another hint and you can guess what it is number!

Thank you, Rechenka, for your help, I will try to guess yours correctly clue and save the princess" (you can ask children help the prince guess which one the number in question.)

The prince said goodbye to the addition river and went to the subtraction field. He walked all day until he came to a large green field.

Hello field!

Hello prince, why did you come to me?

I'm looking for something magical number, which will help remove the curse from the beautiful Anastasia. River Addition said that you can help me! She gave me one hint, but I'm afraid to make a mistake and that's why I came to you! Help me!

Okay, I'll help you and give you another one hint. Listen attentively: you'll recognize it number, if you subtract one from four. Be attentive! Make no mistake!

(you can invite the children to guess the second hint)

I will try! Thank you field for your help! I think I already found it number! -Take your time! After all, you only have one chance to help the princess! To be sure that you have found exactly what number, which you need, go to Mount Abacus, she will tell you what kind of magic it is number!

Thanks field!

And the prince went to Mount Score! I went to the foot of the mountain and speaks:

“Hello magic mountain! Please help me find out if I have found the magic number or not

Hello prince, I will help you and give you a third hint! Now I'll start counting, and you listen attentively! That number, which I will skip when counting, will be the one you are looking for! One, two, four, five, six, seven.

Yes, I found it! This number three! After all, if you add one to two, you get three, if you subtract one from four, you also get three! And when counting, you, mountain, missed exactly number three!

You're right, it's number three! Go quickly to the princess and save her!

Thank you mountain for your help!

And the prince returned to the kingdom-state and said to the king: “I found a magical number, now your daughter will wake up, this number three

Now all that remains is to write the magic figure three on the sand under the princess's windows, and she will wake up!

But, unfortunately, I can't write number three! Now I can't save the princess!

Don’t be sad, I know who can help you, who can teach you to write number three, this is a wizard Digital! Go to him!

And the prince went to the wizard, came and speaks:

Good wizard, please help me, I have come a long way to find the magical number and found it, and here’s how to spell magic number I don’t know and now I can’t save the princess! Only you know how to write numbers, only you can help me!

I know that you had a difficult road and you are the only one who was able to find the magic number three, so I will help you! Listen carefully and remember! I'll tell you how to spell it number three:

This is an arc month,

Below is another month.

Now look:

It turned out number 3.

Remember this poem and you can write this one figure!

Thank you wizard Digital! Now I can disenchant the princess! After thanking the wizard, the prince went back to the king! He approached the palace and began to write under the princess’s windows. number three, pronouncing:

This is an arc month,

Below is another month.

Now look:

It turned out number 3.

As soon as he wrote number three, the curse broke and the princess woke up! The king was very happy and fulfilled his promise! And since then, the prince and princess have been living happily in a certain kingdom-state!


1. Did you like it fairy tale?

2. What is it about? About how magical it tells the number and figure?

3. Who helped the prince find the magic number?

4. Which one hint did the river give the prince Build? Which the prince added up the numbers to get number three?

5. Which one hint gave the prince a Subtraction field? What did the prince subtract from what to get number three?

6. How did Mount Score help the prince? How did the prince guess what it was? number three? Between which in numbers it stands when counting?

7. Who taught the prince to write number three? Who remembers what poem the wizard told the prince so that he learns to write number three?

8. Find number three among other numbers.

9. Write number three.

Fairy tales with mathematical content for children 5 - 8 years old

Mathematical fairy tales for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

A family project “Teaching children mathematics using works of art” was organized in the kindergarten. Fairy-tale stories with mathematical content about amazing adventures and friendship of extraordinary characters. The stories turned out to be so interesting and entertaining that we wanted to publish our own book.
Job description: The tale was compiled and illustrated by children and parents of the older group. The content of fairy tales of a mathematical nature. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, parents, and primary school teachers. The material is intended for children 5 - 8 years old.
Target: Increasing interest in mathematics in older preschool children through the use of works of art.


In the distant country of Mathematics, there lived King Triangle and Queen Trapezium. And everything was fine with them, except that they had no children.
Then the queen decided to go to the evil sorcerer Minus so that he could help her. The sorcerer Minus gave the queen a grain and said: “Plant it in a pot and water it every morning, but for this you must give me the voice of your child.” The queen was so glad that she would finally have a child, and gave her consent to the sorcerer. When Queen Trapezia returned to the palace, she immediately planted the seed in a pot of soil and watered it. As time passed, the seed grew and turned into a beautiful flower, when the flower blossomed, there was a beautiful baby there.
King Triangle and Queen Trapezium were very happy, they decided to name the little prince Circle. The prince grew, but did not speak, and then the queen remembered that she had given the prince’s voice to the evil sorcerer Minus. She told everything to King Triangle, and they decided to go together to the sorcerer and ask him to have mercy and return the voice to Prince Krug. When the king and queen came to the evil sorcerer Minus, they heard a beautiful voice. It was the voice of a sorcerer, or rather the Prince of the Circle. Then they fell on their knees in front of the sorcerer Minus and began to beg him to give Prince Krug a voice.
The sorcerer had mercy on them and said:
- I will return the voice to Prince Krug, but for this you will no longer call me an evil sorcerer.
“We agree,” said the king and queen.
King Triangle spoke to his subjects and said:
- From now on, the sorcerer Minus is a good sorcerer, not an evil one.
At that very moment, Prince Krug's voice appeared. And everyone in the country of Mathematics began to live happily.


One day Masha went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. Suddenly I saw Kolobok rolling along the road. Masha says to Kolobok:
-Kolobok, Kolobok, where do mushrooms grow here?
And he answers her:
- I don’t know, I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time, I’m looking for the fox, looking for it, I want to eat it. Better ask number Two, the “prickly one”, she knows everything about mushrooms.
Masha went to number two and asked:
- Hey number two, where do your mushrooms grow?
-There near the house.

Number Two answers.
Masha saw chanterelle mushrooms and quickly began to collect them.
Suddenly, a bear jumped out of Mishka’s house and growled at Masha. Mashenka got scared and quickly ran away from the bear. She ran to the clearing and saw a stump standing. Masha sat down on a tree stump and began to cry. And bird Three flew past. She heard that the girl was crying, flew up to her and asked:
- Why are you crying here in the whole forest?
- I'm lost! - says Masha.
- Don’t cry, I’ll help you, show you the way home.
- Hurray, hurray! - shouted joyful Masha.
- Just promise that you will never go into the forest alone without adults again.
“Of course, I promise,” Masha answered, and they went home.


In one magical kingdom, a digital state, there lived King Ten and Queen Nine.
They were rich and noble, but at the same time kind and cheerful. And they had two children, a son, Seven, and a daughter, Five. The daughter was the most beautiful and intelligent, everyone envied the Tsar and affectionately called her Pyaterochka.
Baba Yaga wanted to steal Pyaterochka in order to receive a ransom for her from the Tsar. She called her faithful servant Six and gave him orders to steal Pyaterochka. Six listened to Baba Yaga, went to the barn where the Deuces-swans lived, harnessed them to a sleigh and flew off to steal Pyaterochka.
Meanwhile, Pyaterochka was walking in her favorite flower garden, looking at the unprecedented beauty of roses and singing songs. Suddenly the whole sky was covered with black clouds, Six flew up to her on his Two-swans, grabbed her by the hands, put her in the sleigh and flew back to Baba Yaga. Pyaterochka screamed at the top of her lungs:
“Father, mother - help!!! Save me, Six is ​​taking me to the dense, dense black forest to Baba Yaga!”
The king's servants heard her cry and ran to tell him about what had happened.
The king became blacker than a cloud from grief, having learned about the misfortune that had happened, the queen fell ill. Then the son of Seven comes into the royal chambers and says: “Don’t be sad, Father Tsar! I'll go and save my sister! I’ll gather my army from just a few, and let’s go to war against Baba Yaga!”
The king answers: “No, son, Baba Yaga is not stupid, cunning is needed here! Go, go to the magician Eight and consult him on how best to do it?”
Seven went to the magician and told him about the trouble. And Eight advised him to take a shrinking wand and an invisibility hat. He explained how to use these things: if you hit Baba Yaga’s faithful servant Six six times, he will shrink to such a size that he will disappear, and if you hit the Deuce-Swan twice, he will also shrink to such a size that he will disappear. By doing this you will disarm Baba Yaga, depriving her of her faithful servant and the Two-Swans.
Having thanked the Magician Eight, Seven took his shrinking wand and invisibility hat from him and went to help out his sister Pyaterochka. For a long time he walked through the fields and forests, and finally reached the dense forest of Baba Yaga.
He put on his invisibility hat, crept up to Baba Yaga’s house and saw the servant Six.
He hit it once with the shrinking wand, shrank to a size of six and shouted: “Oh-oh-oh! What's happened? Who's here?

Seven hit him five more times and Six disappeared as if he had never existed. Seven went to the barn and began to hit the Two-swans with a shrinking wand until they all disappeared.
After that, he went into Baba Yaga’s house without taking off his invisibility hat and saw his sister Pyaterochka.
She sat on a bench and cried bitterly. Seven came up to her and whispered in her ear: “Hello, sister! Don’t cry, I’ll help you out now!”
He quickly took off his invisibility hat and put it on himself and his sister, they left Baba Yaga’s house and ran as fast as they could home to their father and mother.
King Ten was very happy when he saw his beloved daughter Pyaterochka again. Queen Nine recovered, and again they lived cheerfully and happily, as before.


In a faraway place, in the Tenth Kingdom, there lived a kind, plump King Zero. And he was married to the beautiful Unity - a proud and mischievous girl. And the king and queen had two daughters. The eldest was called Deuce. She looked like her mother - just as slender, dignified and just as mischievous and arrogant. The youngest daughter Five is just like her father - cheerful, laughing, in general - a sweet little soul!
One day the princesses went for a walk to the river near the forest. The kids were swimming there. Five girls, seven boys. How many kids were there?
- Hey, princesses, where are you going? Come join us here! Let's have fun together, joke, jump and play, swim, run, sunbathe!
Five immediately agreed. She fell head over heels towards the guys. Well, Deuce got angry:
- I'm a princess! How dare they call me! It's no good for me to play with you! This is my whole river! I'll swim here alone! Get out!
The kids became sad, and they told Deuce everything:
- You are not a swan, you are a mischief-maker!
- Evil!
- Evil!
- And dude!
At this point Deuce got angry... Her face changed... She shook her head - and the children were blown away by the wind. We forgot to tell you that our mischievous princess could do magic.
From then on, all the children in the kingdom began to receive the worst school grades in class - two. There is nothing wrong if the two appears alone or with other numbers somewhere in a book, on a poster or, say, on a tag in a store. But if a bad mark appears in your diary, this is a real school disaster! Who needs a bad grade?! And the boys and girls of the Tenth Kingdom now had only such notes in their diaries and notebooks. And in neighboring kingdoms, children more and more often brought home diaries with deuces. Like a virus, the disease spread harmful witchcraft around. And no matter how hard the teachers tried, no matter how strict the parents were, the children still studied poorly.
Five guys felt sorry. Which of them will grow up now - losers who don’t know anything and don’t know how to do anything in life? She decided to help them - to discover the secret of getting rid of the spell. She heard it at night when her older sister muttered in her sleep. But Deuce guessed that her sister wanted to tell these harmful children the secret of getting rid of bad grades. She was also angry with her sister. She conjured a high tower - 22 meters, far, far from her kingdom, and hid her younger sister Five there. Like, let her sit for a while, otherwise she’s thinking of contradicting her older sister. Deuce spent all her magical powers on this witchcraft. And she became so weak that she forgot about her harmful magic, and, the trouble is, she forgot about the secret of healing children, and she also forgot about her sister.
The king and queen were seriously alarmed and saddened when they learned about the disappearance of their youngest daughter. King Zero sent his messengers with a royal decree to all four directions of the world. To the one who finds and returns Princess Five home, Zero promised to give his youngest daughter as a wife when the princess grows up, and to give half the kingdom!
Many tried to find the missing princess - all in vain! And then one day the brave prince of the distant kingdom of Four heard about Princess Five. He was very persistent, stubborn and hardworking. Four decided to find Five at any cost. He wandered around the world for a long time, and the brave prince had to endure many difficulties and trials. But he didn't give up! And then one fine day he saw a high tower. He tried to penetrate her, but a new obstacle arose on his way. Princess Deuce enchanted the tower so that it would not let anyone in until the traveler guessed its riddle.
“The mouse was carrying an apple and found another one,” the tower muttered, “the owl hooted loudly: “Now you have them...”. How many apples does the mouse have? The prince easily gave the correct answer. The tower let him in. But on the second floor he had to count again.
- Three little bunnies on a swing ate with an appetite. The two came to chat with them. How many bunnies? - asked the tower.
“Exactly...,” answered the prince. And again correct. So floor after floor, riddle after riddle, Four reached the last one.
- Nine caterpillars crawled, seven of them went home. In the soft silken grass there were only...?
- Two!!!
And, lo and behold! The door to the room opened and the prince saw a beautiful young princess. It was Five! The prince fell madly in love with her. He returned his daughter to her parents. How happy the king and queen were to see their dear Pyaterochka!!! Queen One stopped being mischievous after the disappearance of her youngest daughter, and was now as kind as her husband Zero. The deuce did not remember anything about their action and also rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts at the return of their younger sister.
They played a magnificent wedding - Four and Five became husband and wife, and the prince refused the promised half of the kingdom. It was not for his sake that the young man was looking for the princess! And besides, he had his own - a whole kingdom!
- What about poor children? – you ask. Everything is fine! Don't worry. They became excellent students! The secret is that you don’t have to be lazy, you have to work, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Homework must be completed diligently and on time. During lessons, do not be distracted, but listen carefully to the teacher. Respect your parents and listen to their advice. We need to read more useful and interesting books about nature, animals, and our planet. Don't forget about fairy tales! And, of course, do exercises in the morning, go to bed on time in the evenings, walk in the fresh air, play sports so that not only our head, but also our body works well. So that we always feel good and can achieve a lot in life!
Following all these simple rules, the children of the Tenth Kingdom and neighboring lands quickly corrected all the deuces into fives - they received so many fives that the deuces themselves disappeared from the diary. And now they only had fours and fives! And they all became excellent doctors, teachers, singers, cooks, pilots and astronauts! And who do you want to become? Will you study well so that everyone can be proud of you?!


By the river in the forest Deuce was crying. She was afraid to enter the river because she did not know how to swim.
Number One came up to her and told her: “Don’t be sad, friend!”
And then Number Three came up to her and told her: “Wipe your tears!”
The last ones to come up to her were Four and Five and began to console her:
- You look like a swan, so you can swim too!
The two sighed joyfully, shook their long necks, entered the water and swam like a real swan. On the shore, One and Three and Four and Five were happy for her.


In the far, far away country of Cyfland they lived - there were different numbers.
One day, two of them, “one” and “five,” met.
The unit was very proud, tall, always held its back straight and really loved to argue with anyone.
Pyaterochka was cheerful, bright, but very arrogant.
And they started an argument about which of them is bigger and more important. “1” says: I’m taller, which means I’m bigger! “5” - she answers: and I take up more space on the notebook sheet, which means I’m bigger!
They argued for a long time and could not figure out which of them was bigger, then they decided “1” and “5” to go to other numbers for advice.
They came, but they had no time. And as soon as “zero” said – all numbers are important! You are one, making other numbers into tens, and you are the very first of all numbers. And you, Pyaterochka, are bigger and give good grades to the children at school. If you stand next to each other, you will become one number.
“1” and “5” were delighted and approached each other, holding hands, and the number “15” turned out
And so they became inseparable friends!!!
Always and everywhere together!


One early morning Odnyorka was walking along the table, and on that table lay an untitled book. She wanted to sleep on her soft sheets - snow-white sheets. I knocked, everyone was silent, so I’ll sleep here.
Number Two swam past like a swan from afar, saw our book and was delighted, I will live in it forever.
Knock, knock, knock, who lives here?
- It’s me, Unity, thin as a match.
- And I am number two, like a swan, both beautiful and slender.
- Come in, since you came, we’ll live together then.
And Troika, the one who jumps so briskly, galloped nearby, and she knocked, you will let me in to live.
So all the numbers we have in our book have been collected, we will now list them:
Here Four - hands on hips,
Five - that he loves to play,
And Sixth is a couch potato, he loves to sleep soundly,
Here is the Seventh - we call him the poker,
And Eight - two circles, like the sister of a snowman,
And the Ninth is the oldest, all gray and with a beard.
The only thing missing was Nolya, who didn’t take long to wait, groaning and slowly dragging himself from side to side.
Well, what about friends without a name, it’s our book that brought together everyone from Nine to Zero?
You learn to count quickly and then you will know that it is called Mathematics, friends!!!


A hare named Nolik was walking through the forest. He walked alone because he had no family. But he really wanted to live in a cozy house with his family.
A hare named Edinichka ran towards the meeting along the path. Nolik really liked the one and he invited her to build a house and live in it. So they began to live together.
The house was beautiful and cozy, and around it there was a large and strong fence so that the wolf could not get into them. And they had 9 wonderful bunnies: Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten.


Once upon a time there was a cheerful traffic light. He stood at a crossroads. But one day he got sick and broke down, and all 3 lights went out: red, yellow and green.
A girl passed by, she called the rescue service number 3.

The number brought the traffic light a magic cookie. It was of different colors and different shapes. The red cookies were triangular, the yellow cookies were square, and the green cookies were round. When the traffic light ate the cookies, its lights started working again.
But now they were of different shapes, which made him look even more fun.


Once upon a time there lived a girl, her name was Nastya. She had square bunnies, they all lived on a magical planet, where everything was pink, the sea, the forest, and the mountains.
When Nastya swam in the magical sea, she also turned pink.
She asked the bunnies: “Why am I pink?”
But they could not answer her.
And they all went to the little mermaid named Ariel so that she would answer all their questions.
She was strange, completely round, like a ball.
Ariel said that the planet they live on is magical and entertaining. Because all the inhabitants of the planet love to tell each other riddles and jokes in mathematics, and since they are very cheerful and funny, all the inhabitants have fun and rejoice and this makes everything around them pink and beautiful.
And Ariel began to ask her riddles:
Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I will guess what number you have in mind. How much did you get?
Birds flew over the river: a pigeon, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer quickly.
A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken weigh standing on two legs? (2 kg)
Nastya and her square bunnies listened to the little mermaid for a long time.
After all, there were so many mysteries that they did not notice how evening came.
And the sunset on the planet was also pink - it was so beautiful.
And then everyone went to bed in their pink houses.
And all night they dreamed only pink dreams.
That's the END for the fairy tales, and whoever answered WELL DONE!

One day, an unpleasant thing happened to the numbers. What happened? We learn about this from a fairy tale.

"Important numbers"
Author of the tale: Iris Review

In the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state, there lived the numbers from 0 to 9. Numbers are like numbers.

Some of them were thin, like 1 and 7. Some were plump and round. These included 0, 9. Some of the numbers had a tail, like 2 and 5, and some had a circle, like 6 and 8.

In general, they were different, unlike each other. Despite this, the numbers were very friendly to each other. They could play four hands on the piano and show the theatrical play “Seven Little Goats.” And if someone studied well, then the numbers pushed the “A” to the forefront. And the two and three stood modestly aside.

But then one day, at a holiday, the letters told the numbers that they were more important. Without letters and words, no one would understand anything. But the numbers took offense and ran away in all directions. And such chaos began!

The letter A, for example, is in first place in the alphabet, the letter D is in fifth place, and the letter Z is in 33rd place. And now, when there are no numbers, it is unclear where to stand. Such confusion!

In the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state, no one could really calculate anything, and panic began.

Then the letters apologized to the numbers, and asked them to continue to perform their digital duties. And everything fell into place.

Questions for a fairy tale about numbers

In what kingdom did the numbers live?

Which numbers were skinny?

Which numbers have tails?

What theater play were the numbers performing?

Why were the numbers offended?

Why did panic begin in the mathematical kingdom, in the arithmetic state?

Who apologized to the numbers?

Learning any number for children is a whole science that requires a special approach. Kids are very receptive to how a teacher or teacher presents information. The more creative an approach an adult uses in upbringing and teaching, the better the result.
The same can be said about numbers. No matter what grade the child goes to, mathematics lessons should be diluted with unusual narratives, stories, and fairy tales. Numbers may well become the heroes of these fairy tales for children.

Fairy tales

You can download a fairy tale about numbers for children in a single file.

2 and 3

4 and 5



0 and 10

“Once upon a time...” - this is how almost any fairy tale begins. In the same way, you can start a fairy tale for your child about numbers. This is how a lesson in some aesthetic center for children can begin, if the children begin to work with numbers, for example: “Once upon a time there were numbers in the land of Mathematics...”. In general, you can come up with anything. Write a fairy tale yourself, and the children will become your helpers.
If it’s difficult for you to come up with fairy tales about all the numbers, you can use the materials on our website. To do this, just download the fairy tale and read it to your child.
In fact, it is very easy to come up with a fairy tale. We already have the beginning: “Once upon a time...”. The next stage of creativity for children who go to grades 1-4 is determining which numbers will be the main characters. To be more convincing, you can present numbers with pictures, where each of them will correspond to a certain number of objects.
Then we get to work developing the plot. In any fairy tale there is always a villain and good heroes. A mathematical sign, for example, a minus, or numbers such as 13, with which many superstitions are associated, can act as a pest. Let the numbers visit each other, prepare for trips and flights, etc.
After your own short story, invite the children to finish what they started and continue the tale.
As homework, you can also invite the children to compose their own fairy tale about numbers. It can be drawn up on a separate sheet of pictures, made into a presentation, or even shown as a puppet theater or shadow theater. It's very easy to do. The characters will be numbers that can be easily cut out of cardboard and paper with the help of adults and decorated with flowers or sparkles. Children's drawings will serve as decorations. Let the children learn simple roles and show the performance to their parents at the holiday. At school, a homemade theater with numbers would be quite appropriate at a math evening, KVN, no matter what class the children attend.
If you work in a children's aesthetic center, then a fairy tale about numbers will be an excellent introduction to the world of numbers and mathematical operations. You can start the lesson with a fairy tale, and then invite the children to draw or color fairy-tale characters. Children will also be happy to make numbers from plasticine or dough, or from sticks or improvised means (for example, matches).

Such tasks about fairy tales with numbers develop not only imagination and imaginative thinking, but also fine motor skills, perseverance, and attentiveness.

Video on the topic


So, a fairy tale about numbers for children is an excellent way to interest children in learning mathematics and involve them in creative work. You can compose fairy tales yourself or download them from our website. Whatever fairy tale you offer the children, it will be an excellent start to any lesson. If you make a small performance with the kids and show it to the public, the kids will be simply happy.
Don't be afraid to incorporate creativity into your math lessons. They only stimulate children to work their minds and imagination. Many years later they will love mathematics precisely because it first appeared before them in the form of a fairy tale.

Fairy tale for children 5-7 years old: Visiting the Queen of Mathematics.

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: This fairy tale promotes cognitive interest in preschool children in the process of acquiring new knowledge. Arouses desires for children to study at school.
Purpose of work: The fairy tale is intended for children, preschool teachers and parents.
Target: formation of ideas in preschool children about the value of obtaining mathematical knowledge, and the ability to apply this knowledge in everyday life.
1. Create pedagogical conditions for the development of curiosity in preschool children, as the basis of cognitive activity.
2. Develop children's interest in mathematics in preschool age.
3. Form a positive attitude and desire to study at school.

Mathematics Queen.

Mathematics Science -
Educational stuff!
The mother of all other sciences
She must be respected!

Skills, abilities
Requires patience!
Do your best
And you will learn!

Mathematics Queen!
Makes everyone learn.
If you want to be smarter!?
You need to make friends with her!

Fairy tale: Visiting the Queen of Mathematics.

This story happened in one city. With a very ordinary boy, whose name was Seryozha. Like all boys who turned 6 years old, Seryozha loved to play with toy cars more than anything in the world. In the summer the boy played football with friends, and in the winter he played hockey.
Serezha's parents often said that he would soon go to school in the 1st grade. But the boy did not want to go to school. He enjoyed going to kindergarten.
One day on a day off, his younger sister Ira came up to Seryozha and handed him a box of sweets.
“Seryozha, help me, I should divide the candies equally,” the girl asked.
Ira was 2 years younger than her brother and did not yet know how to count.
Seryozha, squinting his eye, began to count out loud.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - this is for me - Seryozha said proudly.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - this is for you - the boy continued.

But in the box there were still delicious and aromatic candies wrapped in beautiful candy wrappers. Seryozha continued to put candy in his pile.
And when there were no sweets left in the box, the boy said cheerfully: Well, that's all! Ready!
Ira looked at her brother and asked: Are you sure you divided the candies equally?
- Certainly! Still asking! – Seryozha answered, slightly embarrassed.
- I can count. Take your sweets and go eat,” the boy said authoritatively.
- Thank you! – Ira exclaimed joyfully.
Seryozha looked at the large pile of sweet candies and smiled. I deftly outwitted Irishka, thought Seryozha.
Then my grandmother came into the room. She looked sternly at her grandson.
- Seryozha, you took more sweets for yourself, and Ira asked you to divide the sweets equally.
- Maybe you don’t know how to count? – the grandmother asked sadly.
- I can! I can! – Seryozha assured his grandmother, “What’s so hard about that?” One, two, three and you're done.
“Well, then one of two things remains,” the grandmother continued to say. Or did you deliberately deceive your sister, or did you accidentally make a mistake in counting? It would not hurt you, granddaughter, to go to the Land of Knowledge.
- Oh, where is such a country located? – Seryozha was surprised.
Grandmother smiled and answered: When I was a little girl, I also didn’t know how to count, and I didn’t want to solve examples and problems. But one day I opened one secret door and found myself in the Land of Knowledge.
- Grandma, I also want to go to the Land of Knowledge! - Seryozha shouted.
- It’s too early for you! “You don’t want to go to school,” the grandmother answered and left the room.
Seryozha was left alone. He no longer wanted to play with cars. The boy began to think, where is this very door that leads to the land of Knowledge?
Seryozha tiptoed out of the room and headed to the room where his grandmother lived. The boy quietly opened the door and found himself inside the room. He looked around, everything was in its place: closet, bed, bedside table, table, bookshelves.
Seryozha's attention was attracted by a large painting that hung in the middle of the room. The painting depicted an unusually beautiful, antique, carved door. In the reflection of the sunny color, the door glittered and shimmered with a golden color.
An interesting door, Seryozha thought and came closer. Up close, the door turned out to be even more massive and mysterious. The boy looked at the picture with admiration. The door handle caught his attention. It was gracefully curved and resembled the neck of a swan. The boy grabbed the handle and the door creaked. Slowly but surely the door began to open slightly. Seryozha, barely coping with curiosity, looked behind the door. On the other side of the door stood small numbers and looked at the uninvited guest with interest. In fairyland, numbers could walk and talk. They had small legs, arms, eyes and mouths.

- Hello Seryozha! – the numbers greeted in unison and blinked their little eyes. After that, the number 1 came to the middle, she extended her hand to the boy and said cheerfully:
- We invite you to our country of Knowledge! If you pass the tests, you will be able to see our Queen of Mathematics.
- Wow! “Talking numbers,” Seryozha rejoiced, “I’m ready to pass the test.”
Number 1 invited the boy to get on the boat. And they sailed along the River of Knowledge.
How long did the boat float along the river, but then the first bank appeared. On a large carved pillar hung a tablet on which was written in large letters: Pre-number activities.
Number 1 stood up and said: Look, there is a tree growing on the shore - an apple tree. The apples are ripe on it. Look and answer, how many red apples are ripe on the tree? And how many yellow apples are there on the tree?
Seryozha looked at the apple tree. The boy began to count: 1, 2, 3. Only 3 red apples were ripe on the tree. 1, 2 – and 2 yellow apples.
Number 1 continued to ask questions: Compare red apples and yellow apples. Which apples are there more?
Seryozha thought a little and answered: There are more red apples than yellow ones. For 1 apple. And there are also 1 apple less yellow apples than red ones.
Number 1 happily said: You completed the first task. But it's time for us to hit the road. And the boat, swaying slightly, sailed further along the river of knowledge.
For how long or short, time passed unnoticeably in the Land of Knowledge, and then suddenly a second shore appeared. On a pole hung a wooden plaque on which was written: Counting activities.
Number 1 stood up and said: Look Seryozha, there are cars on the shore. There are many of them. You need to count and name the number of cars.
Seryozha began to count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8. There are 8 cars in total on the shore.
Number one said joyfully: Well done Seryozha! This is the correct answer. You completed the second task. So, let's move on!
The boat, swaying on the waves, floated along the river. Whether long or short, a third shore appeared on the horizon. Seryozha saw a sign on which it was written: Computing activities.
There were animals on the bank: squirrels and hares.
Number one asked the boy with an important look: Seryozha, count how many hares there are on the shore? Seryozha slowly began to count: 1, 2, 3,4, 5 - only 5 birds with one stone on the shore. Now count how many squirrels are on the shore? Seryozha quickly completed the task 1, 2, 3, 4 - only 4 squirrels.
But this time figure one was in no hurry to praise the boy. She looked carefully at Seryozha and asked: Tell me, which animals are bigger than squirrels or hares? Seryozha smiled and answered: There are more hares, there are 5 of them, and 4 squirrels.
Number one continued to ask questions: How much smaller are the squirrels?
Seryozha said affirmatively: For 1 squirrel. If there was one more squirrel, then there would be an equal number of animals on the shore.
Number one was pleased with the boy's answers. But still I decided to ask one more question: Seryozha, tell me, how many animals are there on the shore?
“So,” Seryozha said with an important look, “we need to take and count all the animals on the shore. 5 hares + 4 squirrels makes a total of 9 animals.”
Number one was sincerely pleased with the boy’s correct answers. She walked up to him and extended her little hand: This is the correct answer, Seryozha! You passed all our tests. I invite you to go to the castle of our Queen of Mathematics.
Seryozha and number one moored the boat and went down to the sandy shore. A castle appeared before my eyes, with various numbers and signs walking around it. There were a great many of them. The numbers walked around, some alone, some in pairs, some in threes. Here the number 2 passed next to the boy, and then the number 6 rode in a gilded carriage. Seryozha looked at them in surprise for some time.
Then his attention was drawn to the castle of the Queen of Mathematics. It was built from large geometric shapes.

There was a guard at the gate. Number one took Seryozha by the hand and said loudly: This is Seryozha! Our new friend! He came to meet our Queen. The guard opened the gate and the boy walked inside. There were paintings hanging on the walls of the ancient castle, and there were white clay sculptures depicting numbers all around. Seryozha knew the name of each number.
Suddenly the boy heard a voice behind him: Hello Seryozha! We are glad to meet you in our country of Knowledge. The boy turned around and saw a beautiful stranger. It was the Queen of Mathematics. Her head was adorned with a crown of precious stones.
- Seryozha, you passed all the tests. And now I know for sure that you can count. Tell me, why did you deceive your little sister? “You upset me very much,” the Queen of Mathematics said in a quiet voice.
Seryozha blushed with shame. Indeed, he already knew how to count, he just managed to outwit his sister Ira, who trusted her brother and believed that he would divide the candies equally.
“It’s my fault,” Seryozha said sadly. The Queen of Mathematics shook her head reproachfully.
Number one is my first Minister of Mathematical Affairs,” the Queen of Mathematics continued her story. She has an honorable role. She monitors the fulfillment of the golden mathematical rule: Each number, starting from the second, is one more than the previous one. Why don't you want to go to school? There you have to do homework, but I like to play,” the boy said with sadness in his voice.
The Queen of Mathematics came closer to the boy and said: The thing is, Seryozha, when a child turns 7 years old, he goes to school and ends up in the land of Knowledge. Today you visited only one state: the country of Mathematics. But in our fabulous country there are many different amazing states and countries. For example: the country of Geography, the country of History, the country of Reading, the country of Natural History and many different others. If you don't go to school, you will never visit these countries. You can forever remain a little boy who knows nothing and doesn’t want to learn anything.
Seryozha thought, he became terribly interested in learning the secrets of all the states of this amazing country of Knowledge.
- Dear Queen of Mathematics, tell me how I can get back home? – Seryozha asked. I have an important matter: I need to count how many sweets there were in the box. And then divide them equally.
Queen Mathematics smiled, raised her hands and blew on her palms. At that same moment, brilliant multi-colored stars scattered through the air in different directions.
Seryozha couldn’t believe his eyes when he found himself back at home. He carefully closed the door to grandma's room. I called my sister Ira and asked her to bring all the sweets and a box. When all the candies were in their places, the boy began to count. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - this is Irina for you.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - this is for me. I have 10 sweets and you have 10 sweets. That means equally. Ira looked at her brother with pride. Her handful of candies increased in size, and the girl was incredibly happy.

At that very moment, the children's parents entered the room.
Mommy, daddy! – Seryozha shouted, “I want to go to school, I want to learn a lot of new and interesting things, I want to gain knowledge.”
That's great! – Dad answered, “So, tomorrow we will go to register for first grade.”
Can I also go to 1st grade? – Ira asked.
No, it’s too early for you, you don’t know how to divide candy equally,” Seryozha said, winked and laughed.
This is where the fairy tale ends! - Well done Seryozha!